Society, Language and Culture
সমাজ, ভাষা ও সংস্কৃতি

(A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Journal)
A Unit of Society, Language and Culture Trust
ISSN: 2583-0341

Second Year I Third Issue

গবেষণাপত্র | SLC Research

The Unfeigned Confluence- Transformation from Insecurity to Cooperation: An Overview of Collusion and Conflict pertaining to Socio-Political and Diplomatic Exchanges between India and Bangladesh

Satadru Roy


The country decked with agrarian greenery, fertility , buoyant culture , strong ethnic values geographically demarcated by Bay of Bengal on southern part and surrounded by Global giants India , China  has witnessed the state building processes through political and economical challenges . The political transformation through Mukti Juddha, ravaged by liberation war of 1971 and deprived of resources has proved itself a secular, democratic constitution , won respect of the World , gained membership of the United Nations and actively pursued peace and stability in the region . The country is one of the key players in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). From the very beginning India stayed beside Bangladesh in the state formation process and extended loyal political , military , economical support to the new born. The historical chronological developments have paved a true unfeigned confluence between the two Nations. Right from The Lahore  Resolution to 1971 Liberation war, Bharat acted as an elder sister  to recognise and protect the new born. Both the elected Governments of the Nations were cordial enough at diplomatic level to pave a strong connectivity through ethno bonding nature with common origin through ages irrespective of conflict between the states on several issues. This research study discusses how the bilateral relationship build from insecurity to cooperation irrespective of political, border conflicts and religious fundamentalism.

Adda as a form of cultural practice produces homosocial bonding among the male youths of Kolkata’s suburban areas: A sociological investigation

Snehabrata Mukherjee

The present paper deals with adda as a form of cultural practices among the male youth of Kolkata’s suburban areas. It tries to explain how does adda produces homosocial bonding among them. An attempt has been made with the help of ethnographic research on a pilot basis to understand how the level of intimacies developed among subjects. It also tries to explore the notion of masculinity among the male youths of Kolkata’s suburban areas. And last, but not the least it explores the foci of activity that are embedded which produces homosociality.

Press Freedom in India: Virtuous or Vulnerable?

Dr. Sangita De I Dr. Priyam Basu Thakur

Democracy is one of the best produces of human civilization and the space of democracy has been shrinking all over the world including India. As per the observation of various independent national and international bodies curtailing press freedom is one of the prominent outcomes in this milieu. The Press have been universally recognised as an embodiment of truth for the high ethical standards of objectivity. It is a pivotal actor in the process of promoting pluralism in a country.

India as a democracy has been going through relentless transformation since it adopted political emancipation in 1947. Paradoxically two strong notions came into the contemporary surface where freedom of press is being muzzled by agencies of establishment and on the other hand, press is also losing its integrity in a fiercely competitive open market system. In this context, the article will probe into the vulnerability and virtuous role of the press in contemporary India within the aspects of its social accountability, transparency, and intervention on its freedom on the part of the state and non-state actors.

Woman Suppression effects of Religion but not true Religion

Partha Sarkar

This paper is expected to start with an analysis of the school-religions like Christianity, Hinduism and Islam etc. Scriptures of these historical religions often show male dominance over the female. There are several scriptures of historical religions which are supported such male dominance over the female. The allegation is not baseless as there are ample evidences of male preponderance over the female in various religious scriptures. But here I will confine myself what is stated in some Hindu religious scriptures. This paper it has been also analysed that the charge of woman suppression against religion   is quite correct for historical religions only not for true or actual religion as true religion can’t permit such discriminations or malpractice.

The revolutionary journey of Community Radio and its role in rural development communication in India

Souvik Acharya

In India Community radio service mainly belongs to non-profit and non-commercial organizations whose main aim remains to serve a local area audience using the class –D small bandwidth transmitters. Until the year 2002 Community radio service was not legalized in our country India. But a wide range of community members including academia, social sectors .non-government organizations tried to convince the Government to legalize community radio service for the betterment of the society only. Basically community radio provides its service to a local range of 10 Km approximately. The most important and crucial turning point in the journey of community radio movement in India was in 1995 when the honourable Supreme Court of India said in a ruling that, “Airwaves are a public property and they must be used for public good.” The court also added reasonable restrictions along with the saying and added reasonable restrictions. Community radio provides a platform for the development of the people of the community they are working in. They create a bridge between the government authorities and the rural population and listeners to whom much information reaches through these CR stations. Community Radio indeed plays an important role where the members of the community takes active part in the programs and two way participatory communication takes place. The CR stations create awareness on different social, cultural, development issues to the members of these communities. This research paper aims to find and analyze the role played by Community Radio in development communication in India especially among the rural areas, the poor and marginalized sections of the society.

How far the pandemic have effected the lives of the low income group, marginalised groups and people who are racially discriminated in developing countries

Ankita Baisya

The survey shows how the pandemic Covid 19 has effected the low income group, marginalised groups and racially discriminated groups(people from Asia or might be Asian looking) are majorly deprived. Studies show how their human rights were encroached and the difficulties they suffered. The survey also show how government has treated patients in a leading hospital of Kolkata, West Bengal in India. 


Manasi Das

 Ethno medicine  is a  field of  medical anthropology that deals with the cultural interpretation of health disease and illness and also address the health care seeking process and healing . The knowledge and use of medicinal plant species by the traditional  healers as well as the community members was investigated in a tribal village of Basanti ,Canning block 1. On the  basis of  the ethnographic field work with the help of standard anthropological method , it has been  related that  all though the tribals concept of  disease and treatment is  centre on religious beliefs and practices. But they are regularly depend on herbal medicine along with modern allopathic treatment. The present paper is an  attempt to explore the  represent of  herbal medicines used by the tribal  community Sundarban. The paper also attempts  to explore the  source and method of collection medicinal plant by the villager from their surroundings environment. Tribal and their cultural context of illness and health is a broadar known fact. Tribals across the length and breath are following certain traditional norm related to their well being and illness irrespective of their religious. Traditional system of medicine and health care is diminishing among tribals and the morden health care systems yet to adopt.

Role of Indian newspapers to analyse Indo-Bangladesh relations

Kankana Ghosh

International communication is effective to determine the way in which the reader can perceive the causes of those international issues in a collective manner. Media play an effective role in covering international relations. India and Bangladesh are neighbour countries and share the history of old civilisation in the world. In this regard, foreign relations between India and Bangladesh are presented by different media houses. This study helps to examine the quantity of newspaper coverage on international issues between India and Bangladesh. The language of the news coverage of the international conflict and analysis of the international news is evaluated in this research study. Analysis of various news reporting in several newspapers in India is described in this research article. Media framing is a vital part to know the perspective of news reporting. The policies of various newspaper houses vary and reflect on the international news coverage related Indo-Bangladesh relations, the writing style of the news and the presentation of the foreign issue. Within the study of communication, contemporary foreign dissension has generated analytical distinctions among several kinds of news associated with India and Bangladesh. For this reason, it is essential to highlight the language of news stories and the presentation of regional media in India considering some recent international issues. This study suggests a context for evaluation of the newspaper coverage in India and its role in presenting the relations of India and Bangladesh.

Transformation of education from offline to online: A sociological analysis

Sonali Roy Chowdhury Ghosh

There is a great saying by George Washington Carver’ Education is the key to unlock the success of golden door of freedom’. Education is the fundamental right in our country. In India there are many children who are deprived of basic education due to lack of basic amenities though in the present context a new form of system that is online education is emerging out. There is great difference between the conventional form of education that is known as face to face or offline education system. 

India is the second largest country of population just after china. India has been initiated with new hopes in 2020 but all hopes became shattered due to the outbreak of Covid 19, the whole country with a lock down. For this lock down every sector including education of the country is greatly affected for most of the schools and colleges remain closed for a long time.

Concerned personalities thought about alternative ways and introduced Digital education using smart phones for coping up the situation and covering the syllabus for the classes. Though these electronic gadgets were once prohibited once in the school campus now became useful in the present context for supporting the education system and keeping the children in touch with the education.

The present study aims to focus on the comparison between the new online teaching and the traditional offline teaching  and the research is based on the survey on teacher and students.

কপালকুণ্ডলা উপন্যাসে কাপালিকের তান্ত্রিকতা এবং কৌলিন্য প্রথাকে উৎরে আধুনিক দাম্পত্যের সুর ভেসে যায়

আবু হেনা মারুফ ইমরান

উনিশ শতকের সমাজব্যবস্থাকে ঘিরে যে সমস্যাগুলো ব্যাপক বিস্তার লাভ করেছিল এবং সমাজকাঠমোকে অনেকাংশে দুর্বল করে মানুষকে মানবিক পর্যায় থেকে রীতিমতো দূরে সরিয়ে নিয়ে গিয়েছিল সেই সমস্যাগুলোর মধ্যে কৌলিণ্য প্রথা ও বহুবিবাহ ছিলো শীর্ষে; আর কাপালিকের তান্ত্রিকতা অনেকাংশে অনুষঙ্গ হিসেবে পাওয়া গেলেও বেশ জোর দিয়ে বলা চলে নাতবে আমার এই নিবন্ধের কিছু অংশে তা বেশ জোরালোভাবে আসবে আলোচনার স্বার্থেইউরোপীয় সমাজের প্রভাবে আমরা বহুকাল থেকে রীতিমতো প্রভাবিত হতে হতে এখন বেশ অভ্যস্ত হয়ে গেছি; তাই খুব সহজে বিচার করতে পারি না যে, যা এখন অনায়াসসাধ্য তা ঠিক কতটা সহজসাধ্য ছিল দুই শতাব্দি আগেএই নিবন্ধে আমরা সেই সাধ্য আর অসাধ্যের যোগসূত্র স্থাপন করবো