Society, Language and Culture
সমাজ, ভাষা ও সংস্কৃতি

(A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Journal)
A Unit of Society, Language and Culture Trust
ISSN: 2583-0341


Notional depletion of natural constants is threatening the civilized. From climatic sustainability to cultural practices, the creational narrative forces are experiencing an avalanching fall. The rapid absorption, of the homogenized developmental narrative, is orchestrated and supplemented by the multiple diffusion, of isomorphic meta-narratives. Though the cause resonates within every subconscious yet conscious is compelled to thrive on the opposite end. Technological structures are neither adam nor eve of civilization. It wraps the old opium with the pseudo creational codes. Delivering the superficial structure of life and livelihood with utmost precision. The precision that weakness, the precision that enslaves & the precision that blurs the elementary values. Giving rise to imperialism, that the world had only experienced in its nightmare.

Zooming into India, the inflating financial structure is eroding the freedom of life. The actual freedom of choice is shrinking, due to the acceptance of materialist bliss.  Even the freedom of religion is affected by the dominant radical notions. One needs to find the liberating aspect of religion with a candle.  Equality is no more practiced yet the lexicon only remains with political yojanas.  Fraternity withered with the continuous blow of varied competing institutional goals. Democracy is thriving on social media but in the physical world, it is only restricted to voting. Responsibility for socialism is thrown upon the shoulders of the deprived and releasing the empowered, from the bondage of welfare. It's time to reconsider the evolution of media, from the masses to individuals, whether it is a boon or a bane? The battlefield of life, designed by socio-economically defined cultural practices, is narrowing the scope of divine creativity.

‘Society, Language, and Culture’ pledged to defy such devaluating stances of cosmetic development. Individuality, behavioral diversity, and cultural differences guide our cognitive cosmos. Contexts of expressions are crafted, aligning with the empirical notions and blended with theoretical reflections. Creativity is our ink and observation is our pen. The manuscripts are our shield and words are our weapons. Every piece of literature resonates with the same thrust of liberation, creativity, freedom, and fraternity. Creating the dynamic world of literature with decentralization and beyond any Institutional constants.


Society Language and Culture